Craving Chocolate Chip Cookies?
This is a great alternative for dessert.
On the road to healthy eating habits.
Omit the syrup.
Use as little butter as possible.
Pancake mix,
Krusteaz pancake mix
frozen blueberries, Dole Blueberries
banana, agave nectar, cinnamon, cream of tartar and nutmeg
Stir 1 C pancake mix and 3/4 C water until smooth.
Blend in 1T agave nectar, 1/2 t cream of tartar and a dash of nutmeg.
The cream of tartar makes the pancakes fluffy.
Let the mix rest for 10 minutes.
Cook the pancakes in a large pan according to package directions.
Top with 12 blueberries, 1/2 banana and cinnamon. Two servings.
heal, 2011jan02, ID 247, recipes, meals, pancakes, blueberries, bananas,
cinnamon, breakfast