Unsolicited Advice

Someone offers unsolicited advice,
then gets offended when it is unwanted.

Unsolicited advice is almost always unwanted.

Let others THINK
                 FEEL and
                 EXPERIENCE life for themselves,
                 their own way.
Don't use controlling behavior                       

"You SHOULD do this"

"You OUGHT to"

"You NEED to"

are very controlling words. 

The other person feels attacked and defensive. 

It's like being forced to drink poison.

Rather, Say:

"This is what I WOULD do."

"This is what I THINK."

"This is what I BELIEVE."

That then gives the other person FREEDOM of choice.

Ch 2 - Relationships
z. 1704, z. 2212, z. 2304, Heal, relationships, advice, unsolicited, unwanted

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uk1TXqPZhs - Dr Ray Self