You Should


Omit the word SHOULD from your vocabulary.
It is so negative.
It leads to:
    and Judgment. 
SHOULDING on yourself and other people results in feelings of:
    Rejection and self rejection 

Don't beat yourself up, don't beat others up.  No one likes a bully.
Telling yourself and others what we SHOULD have done, SHOULD DO is fighting an enemy inside us.

When someone gives unsolicited advice and always tells themselves and others what they SHOULD do, that gives them a sense of power, closure and happiness.  They feel special and important. Yet they are criticizing someone's actions. ie) having an identity of being critical.

If you want a bird to fly, just let it go.
Don't try to give it flying lessons.

Rather than using the word "SHOULD", replace it with other words, such as:
I WILL tell her to STOP telling me that I SHOULD move away.
I WOULD like to have the dishes washed soon.
You COULD rephrase that please without that negativity.

People who are not reciprocal and mutual towards you need to be kicked out of your life.
Ch 3 - Words 

heal, 2023feb26, words, should, vocabulary