Tolerance is inner peace.
Tolerance leads to accepting and allowing others
to practice their own religions,
and philosophies of life.
Intolerance is about us vs. them.
Us = people like me.
Them = people not like me.
Intolerance runs epidemically
in religions, governments and powers
that want to grow in numbers, land and money.
“I am right” thinking is a form of intolerance.
Saying my beliefs are “true”
alienates, offends and degrades
individuals and groups of people.
Intolerance is about inner conflicts.
Inner conflicts lead to judging, pride, disease,
anger, hatred, domination, fighting,
battles and wars.
Story of Two Wolves
An old man told his grandson:
My son, there is a battle
between two wolves inside us all.
One is evil.
It is anger, jealousy, greed,
resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.
The other is good.
It is joy, peace, love, hope,
humility, kindness, empathy and truth.
The boy thought about it and asked:
Grandfather, which wolf wins?
The old man replied: The one you feed.
Ch 2 - Relationships, Ch 3 - Words
heal, 2016jan27, relationships, tolerance, intolerance, I am right, two wolves, Cherokee legend
updated 2022dec11