What Does Chemo Do?

 Selling drugs to treat side effects of chemo is big business.

Why would the pharmaceutical industry
find a cure for cancer?
They have revenues of $100 billion
every year to keep cancer ongoing.


Kills cancer cells
Kills ALL the other cells as well
Like taking a SHOTGUN to the human body
Why does your hair fall out?
The hair follicle cells are destroyed
Bleed from bowels?
Cell lining is destroyed.
Cells producing blood cells in bone marrow are destroyed.

     Side effects of chemo?
Anemia, bleeding
Heart damage
Liver damage
Kidney damage
     What is each of these diseases associated with?
MORE MONEY to be made
Pain killers
Cortisone for inflammation
Blood substitution
The market for treating the side effects is bigger than the chemo.

Chemo, radiotherapy, side effects
These cause new cancers, new diseases, you need more drugs
These drugs cause after effects, you need even more drugs
It’s like printing money.

Ch 7 - Concepts

/heal, 2013jun21, concepts, cancer, what does chemo do?, chemotherapy, Dr Rath


Synopsis: "Cancer Can Be Beaten" by Dr Matthais Rath
