Ohashiatsu®/OHASHI Method®
is a unique nurturing method of healing touch developed and introduced
by Ohashi in the 1970s. Based on the ancient Eastern principles of
meridian energy manipulation, Ohashi’s modality takes shiatsu
(acupressure) to a higher level of well-being. Guided by his studies in
Oriental medicine, Japanese martial arts, and human movement, Ohashi has
cultivated the best of these disciplines into his unique method.
- How to stay relaxed and focused
- How to utilize energy flow to enhance your daily life
- More about yourself and others around you
- How relaxed muscles produce superior strength
- Powerful healing techniques for you, your friend and your clients
- How to avoid fatigue or injury in your practice
This is an amazing book. It clearly explains how to determine the health of someone by looking at their face, body and feet. It's one of my favorite books. I grabbed it in a fire evacuation drill.
Available on Amazon
Ch 7 - Concepts
/heal, 2022nov22, concepts, Ohashi, Shiatsu, Japanese