About the Endocrine System, Hormones and Glands

 Endocrine System < Anatomy

The endocrine (pronounced: EN-duh-krin) system is a network of GLANDS throughout the body.  These glands produce and release HORMONES.

Envision a lemon (gland) being squeezed (release, secrete).  The juice (hormones) is distributed by the bloodstream to other areas of the body.  To secrete is to hide and or to release.

Hormone levels in the blood are affected by other substances, such as calcium. Also hormones are affected by stress, infection, menstrual periods, the amount of water, other fluids and minerals that are in the blood.


PITUITARY GLAND - the master gland. The pituitary gland is in the center of the head at eye level. The pituitary makes many hormones which control many other glands.  Some are: bones, nutrients, minerals, breast milk, thyroid hormones, adrenal glands, body water balance, the effect on the kidneys, labor contractions. OXYTOCIN is the love hormone, it's involved when we fall in love, cuddle, get excited.  The pituitary secretes ENDORPHINS, which are chemicals of the nervous system, to reduce pain. The pituitary also makes sex hormones and controls ovulation and the menstral cycle.

PINEAL GLAND releases melatonin to signal WHEN to go to sleep, and seratonin to signal WHEN to awaken.

PANCREAS - The pancreas (pronounced: PAN-kree-us) makes insulin (pronounced: IN-suh-lin) and glucagon (pronounced: GLOO-kuh-gawn), which are hormones that control the level of glucose, or sugar, in the blood. Insulin helps keep the body supplied with stores of energy. The body uses this stored energy for exercise and activity, and it also helps organs work as they should.

THYROID - produces T3, Triiodothronine (try-eye-oh-doe-THY-ruh-neen) hormones, which control the rate of burning energy, fuel.  The more that is in the blood, the faster chemical reactions happen in the body.  The thyroid also produces T4, thyroxine.  The thyroid regulates METABOLISM. The thyroid affects the nervous system, development of the brain and bone growth. These hormones contain IODINE.  TSH hormone sends messages back and forth from the thyroid to the hypothalamus.

PARATHYROIDS - Attached to the thyroid are four tiny glands that work together called the parathyroids (pronounced: par-uh-THY-roydz). They release parathyroid hormone, which controls the level of calcium in the blood with the help of calcitonin (pronounced: kal-suh-TOE-nin), which the thyroid makes.

HYPOTHALAMUS - in the LIMBIC SYSTEM of the brain links the NERVOUS SYSTEM to the endocrine system. The hypothalamus gathers information sensed by the brain (such as the surrounding temperature, light exposure, and feelings) and sends it to the pituitary. This information influences the hormones that the pituitary makes and releases.

Adrenal Glands - release adrenalin (endorphins) hormones.

  1. The outer part is the adrenal cortex. It makes hormones called corticosteroids (pronounced: kor-tih-ko-STER-oydz) that help control salt and water balance in the body, the body's response to stress, metabolism, the immune system, and sexual development and function.

  2. The inner part is the adrenal medulla. It makes catecholamines, such as epinephrine (pronounced: eh-puh-NEH-frun). Also called adrenaline, epinephrine increases blood pressure and heart rate when the body is under stress.



Hormones regulate the organs, mood, growth, metabolism, energy and reproduction.

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland.  Darkness signals production of melatonin.

Adrenalin = endorphins

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Kid's Health - Teens - Endocrine System

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heal, 2022oct15, body, anatomy, endocrine system, hormones, glands