Emotions - Color Psychology


Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions

Robert Plutchik identified eight primary emotions which he coordinated in pairs of opposites:

  • joy versus sadness
  • trust versus disgust
  • fear versus anger
  • anticipation versus surprise

Plutchik’s eight primary emotions are Joy, Trust, Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Anticipation, Anger, and Disgust. Each primary emotion has a polar opposite, so that: 

  • Joy is the opposite of Sadness
  • Fear is the opposite of Anger
  • Anticipation is the opposite of Surprise
  • Disgust is the opposite of Trust

Table 1:

Primary Emotions Combined    Emotion Produced from Primary Emotion Combination
1 Anger + Anticipation Aggressiveness
2 Anticipation + Joy Optimism
3 Joy + Trust Love
4 Trust + Fear Submission
5 Fear + Surprise Alarm
6 Surprise + Sadness Disappointment
7 Sadness + Disgust Remorse
8 Disgust + Anger Contempt
9 Anger + Joy Pride
10 Anticipation + Trust Fatalism
11 Joy + Fear Guilt
12 Trust + Surprise Curiosity
13 Fear + Sadness Despair
14 Surprise + Disgust Unbelief
15 Sadness + Anger Envy
16 Disgust + Anticipation Cynicism
17 Anger + Trust Dominance
18 Anticipation + Fear Anxiety
19 Joy + Surprise Delight
20 Trust + Sadness Sentimentality
21 Fear + Disgust Shame
22 Surprise + Anger Outrage
23 Sadness + Anticipation Pessimism
24 Disgust + Joy Morbidness    

Table 2:

Adaptive Behavior Emotion
Protection: Withdrawal, retreat Fear, Terror
Destruction: Elimination of barriers to the satisfaction of needs Anger. Rage
Incorporation: Ingesting nourishment Acceptance
Rejection: Riddance response to harmful material Disgust
Reproduction: Approach, contact, genetic exchanges Joy, Pleasure
Reintegration: Reaction to loss of a nutrient product Sadness, grief
Exploration: Investigating an environment Curiosity, Play
Orientation: Reaction to contact with unfamiliar object Surprise


Table 3:

Stimulus Event Cognition/Interpretation Feeling State Overt Behavior Effect
Threat 'Danger' Fear Escape Safety
Obstacle 'Enemy' Anger Attack Destroy Obstacle
Gain of Valued Object 'Possess' Joy Retain or Repeat Gain Resources or New Genes
Loss of Valued Object 'Abandonment' Sadness Cry Reattach with Lost Object
Member of One's Group 'Friend' Acceptance Groom Mutual Support
Unwanted object 'Poison' Disgust Vomit Eject Poison
New Territory 'Examine' Expectation Map Knowledge of Territory
Unexpected Event 'What is it?' Surprise Stop Gain Time to Orient   



May 2015, Nov 2022
Ch 1 - Mind and Emotions