Value Your Emotions

Emotions are like 2-year olds.
Don’t let emotions drive you.
Put emotions in the back, in their safety seats.
Otherwise, you will end up in a ditch.

Emotions Follow Thoughts

Be accountable for distorted thinking.
Have healthy balanced thinking.
When you think clearly,
your emotions will match your thoughts.

Live by Good Principles

Think well of others. Be kind.
Speak well of others. Build them up.
Don’t gossip. Don’t slander. Don’t bully.
Be patient with people’s quirks.

Forgiveness Works Wonders for You!

z. 1608

Ref: 7 Deadly Psychological Sins by Jennifer Jill Schwirzer LPC

heal, 2016aug13, mind, attitude, emotions, 2-year olds, thoughts, distorted thinking, good principles, bully, quirks, forgiveness, z. 1608, seven deadly sins, Jennifer Jill Schwirzer LPC

Updated 2023feb05