Imagination Creates Visions While Asleep

Tune into your dreams.
Be careful of what you feed your spirit.
Feed yourself well.

What you FOCUS on during daytime
is what you DREAM about during sleep.
Dreams come from your inner being, the SUBCONSCIOUS.
Dreams are VISIONS.

You CREATE your own
by who you focus on, what news you prefer,
who you associate with, what events you participate in,
what type of work you do, what activities,
what types of movies, TV shows, books and music
that you subject your subconscious mind to.

The seeds planted take ROOT. (external stimuli to the brain)
The subconscious mind CREATES. 
The ideas SPROUT.
The spoken word INFLUENCES and then WITHERS.

The written word GROWS and ENDURES.

If traumatized, that affects your IMAGINATION.
The imagination becomes very active and goes wild,
crazy, to resolve and heal the wound.

If stimulated with HEALING MUSIC,
the subconscious and the imagination
can heal the mind, body and spirit.

heal, 2016jul08, mind, imagination, dreams, visions, subconscious, creates, healing, music

z. 1607, updated 2023feb05

Ch 1 - Mind